Contact Details

Lourens Nolte: 082 553 0841

Biance Cilliers: 079 491 3232

Office: 012 653 4805

Address: 304 Erasmus Street, Raslouw, Centurion 0157, Gauteng, South Africa

Sales Hours:

Mon – Fri: 08:00AM – 17:00PM
Saturday: 09:00AM – 13:00PM
Sunday: Closed

Payment Procedure:

The final Offer (Price) on You’re caravan will be made at oure  Premises (202 Hendrik Verwoerd Exclusive Caravans) after the Tent was completely setup and all components was checked & expected.

After these procedures has been followed and all necessary documentation has been completed the EFT payment will be processed while the seller awaits

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Your Name and Surname*

Your Email Address*

Make of Caravan*


Roof Type:*


Kitchen Accessories:

Water Accessories:

Safety Accessories:



Additional Extras

Your Contact Number*

Model of Caravan*


Road Type:*

Caravan Condition:*

Tent Accessories:

Gas Products:



Estimated Price Wanted*

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